Thank you for taking interest in Hagerman’s shows. Since 1999, Hagerman has provided outstanding entertainment for a variety of venues in theme parks all over the country. From street entertainment, to stage shows, to running whole entertainment departments, Hagerman wears many hats when working for the theme park industry.
If your entertainment lineup needs a hassle free, low maintenance production with high entertainment value, Hagerman is perfect for you. Each venue is different, so let us know what you have and we will customize a show package tailored to your needs.
Upon arrival at Seabreeze, Hagerman, an admitted perfectionist, was nothing but cordial, accommodating, completely professional and best of all, nice… Everyone at the park was very happy; both guest and management… It wasn’t unusual to overhear comments from guest like ‘the best show ever’. – Jeffrey Bailey, Marketing Manager, Seabreeze Amusement Park.
Theme Park Show Production Experience
Hagerman started working at theme parks through Illusions at Large, a production company based out of Branson, MO. Under their production guidance, Hagerman managed, stared and directed multi-cast performances and managed ground entertainment including costume characters. Now producing his own shows, Hagerman knows the amusement park live entertainment industry inside and out.
Over the past three seasons you have demonstrated you ability as a versatile performer here at Lake Compounce. As I recall you have trained and performed with a myriad of dogs, MC’s children shows, performed consistently as a ‘street’ entertainer, performed as a master magician, and this year you even sang as part of your performances in a variety show. You did all this while managing the daily activities of other entertainers… I never saw a performance that you were not on. – Tom Wages, former IAAPA President
Educational Shows
Mr. Wizard meets Steve Martin. This show is geared for children and teenagers and has a backbone of comedy even adults find amusing. Explore scientific demonstrations through the humorous antics of Extreme Science. Audience participation. One-of-a-kind original show. A complete comedy package.
Extreme Science has been performing consistently for over 15 years in schools and theme parks all over the country. Our special theme park version of Extreme Science can be perform outdoors and is one of the most entertaining science shows that currently tours the country. Packed full of visual and exciting experiments, Hagerman captures the attention of audiences by delivering the science with a heaping dose of comedy. If you sell school packages during the school year, Extreme Science can work the weekdays and Vaudeville Magic can work weekends on the same stage and segue into the full season.
Specifically, we have noticed that the crowds have substantially increased this year in our presentation of educational programs and I attribute that solely to how Hagerman and his group are able to engage the audience and keep them entertained throughout the entire presentation. – Chris Nicoli, Marketing/Entertainment Manager, Canobie Lake Park
Comedy Magic
Hagerman the Magician brings something special to the magic show experience. Big on originality, even bigger on laughs, Hagerman has that real creative spark seldom seen
in other magicians. Hagerman starts the audiences laughing before any magic begins; and when the magic happens, his clever routining shines. Like Extreme Science, Vaudeville Magic is first and foremost highly entertaining.
Everybody was blown away by your show, it was perfect for our event and your talent far exceeded anybody’s highest expectations. – Jeanine Cohoon, event planner
Vaudeville Magic can be customized for any stage, indoor or outdoor, large or small. Large, grand, multi-cast productions are available right down to a more economical two person show. One thing remains consistent with all performances: entertainment value remains high throughout. Adept at handling audiences, Hagerman instantly develops rapport and his personality supports the show. If you care to treat your guests to something special, Hagerman is perfect for your line up.
Halloween Magic
Need an unique, spooky production to highlight your Halloween season? Do you have guest eagerly standing in long lines at your haunted houses? Again, customizable packages are available. Stage shows, street entertainment or costumed characters. Imagine hiring one company, one cast and your entertainment is taken care of for the whole season. It’s one less thing you need worry about. Easy, simple and smart!
Hagerman has performed for us at Canobie Lake Park both in October of 2009 for our Screeemfest event and in the Spring of 2010 for our educational programs. We have been extremely pleased with the professionalism and talents of Hagerman and his group of entertainers. – Chris Nicoli
Spot Dates vs Seasonal Work
If you are celebrating an eventful weekend or running a special for a week, you may need to bring in some additional entertainment support. Please consider Hagerman for any events that need some jazzing up.
For seasonal work, each theme park has a unique set of needs. Please contact us so we can create a custom proposal for you.
Our goal is to book repeat performances and we have a very high repeat booking rate as well as references that speak for themselves. To date, every theme park Hagerman has worked has had him return for multiple seasons. If this isn’t a testament to the quality of performances to expect, nothing is.